Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024
Webmaster Skills

The benefits of having SSL for your website

We implemented SSL for the security of our website, which not only increases the protection of our website and our customers, but at the same time helps gain us new customers That change might make the difference between us gaining a few customers, so it was a worthwhile investment for us – and will be for you too.

Key benefits of having an SSL Certificate for your website:

Boosts Security

An SSL Certificate will keep all your website information secure during transmission. It gives you a competitive edge by securing safe online transactions, and it offers strong data encryption

Boosts Customer Trust

Many internet users will refuse to provide personal details or conduct transaction on unprotected websites, so by having an SSL certificate for your site it provides a trustworthy online presence for your website visitors – which will result in more sales.

When a website visitor connects to a web server using SSL certificate they will see that the URL in the address bar with https:// rather than the usual http://. Websites with SSL certificate will also display a small padlock in their browser.

Boosts SEO Rankings

As we move ever more online and print media and traditional forms of advertising take a back seat to online, where you rank on Google really matters and so if you can do anything to improve your search engine ranking you should.

It came as a bit of a surprise in August 2014 when Google updated it’s search engine algorithm (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/https-as-ranking-signal.html) for “HTTPS Everywhere” meaning that they were planning to use HTTPS as part of the search algorithm. Basically, if your web site runs with SSL then it’s more likely you will get a higher ranking on search engines such as Google.

What type of sites can I secure with SSL?

  • Web server
  • Email servers
  • Webmail
  • Databases
  • FTP sites
  • Online chats
  • Login pages
  • Online portals
  • Customer portals
  • Banking
  • Transactional website (ecommerce)
  • Web portals
  • Corporate intranets & extranets
  • Wikis
  • VPNs
  • and much more



Which SSL?

Easyspace offers a range of leading SSL certificates such as GeoTrust, VeriSign and Thawte for all types of websites and budgets, to maximise trust for your online business and provide an essential peace of mind when it comes to security. For example, we provide SSL for sites that are static or dynamic, and include a warrantly from $10k up to $500k

How to get an SSL certificate?

It’s very easy to arrange an SSL certificate. The Easyspace webpage https://www.easyspace.com/dedicated-servers/ssl-certificates details all the certificates we have on general offer, but there are other, more specialist certificates, for example for code signing for developers that we can obtain if required. Feel free to ask any of the Easyspace staff and we’ll happily advise you on what you might need.

Read more How to accelerate your website loading


For more details about our seo service packages, pls contact us


Email: bigbigseo@gmail.com
Skype: bigbigseo

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